Migraine patients are often treated with the Cefaly device, which uses external trigeminal nerve stimulation (SNS) as a preventive therapy method. It is thought to ease migraine pain by stimulating the trigeminal nerve in the brain, and the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) has given it the go-ahead.This tool works in a way that is similar to TENS (transcutaneous electrical nerve stimulation) devices, which are often used to treat muscle and nerve pain. Yet, this electronic TNS device can be worn on the forehead if used the way it was made to be used.Cefaly can only be bought with a prescription from a doctor. It is used to treat people with severe or frequent migraines. If other treatments haven't worked, this one might be the one that works. Even though short-term tests of the drug's safety showed that it is well tolerated, it is still unknown if or how well Cefaly works in the long run.
How to use CefalyBefore using the Cefaly Dual Enhanced device, the user washes and dries the skin on their forehead completely. The next step involves putting the equipment to work in some way. Afterwards, they take the electrode from its wrapping and stick it to their forehead, ensuring the device's curved end is in the middle of their brows. After that, the device uses a magnetic bond to stick to the electrode.One can choose either "preventive treatment" or "acute therapy." If someone has migraine pain right now, they should go to an emergency room immediately. This arrangement will stay in place for the next 60 minutes. The manufacturer suggests using the "prevent treatment" mode once a day for twenty minutes to reduce or eliminate migraines.Once the targeted nerve responds to the microcurrents, tingling feelings will spread throughout the body. The person who uses it can also change how much stimulation it gives.Pros and consSeveral people have said that the Cefaly eTNS device helped them eliminate their migraines, and its supporters say that the product is risk-free. the following list of possible pros and cons should be taken into account:Pros of Cefaly's
- The device is easily portable, but its wireless independence and portability are even better.
- There's nothing about it that could be called invasive.
- This method doesn't involve taking any medicine, which takes away one of the things that could make you anxious about traditional migraine treatments.
- This could help both keep migraines from happening and get rid of them.
- Start with a lower intensity level and slowly increase it as your body gets used to the changes.
Cons of Cefaly's
- To start with, electrostimulation could cause some pain.
- Some people who take this medicine may feel tired or sleepy as a side effect.
- Some people may have skin problems that worsen when using electrode patch adhesive.
- You can't use a car or other necessary equipment again after using it.
- We don't know if the gadget is safe for kids, pregnant women, or people with pacemakers.
How often can you use it?But the user manual you can buy in Canada says that "Cefaly can be used all day if needed," even though the FDA has said that the drug shouldn't be taken for more than twenty minutes in a single day. When asked how long treatment should last, the lead researcher of the first published clinical study said, "To make it more likely that patients will stick with their treatment, we thought about both things that might work and things that might be convenient. It's possible that giving people more time will lead to better results, but it's also possible that it will make them less likely to follow the rules. After only twenty minutes of talking, a deal was reached."Does it hurt?Even though the feeling was strange and came on quickly, researchers, the manual's authors, and the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) agree that it is not unpleasant. Even though most patients said they felt pain or severe discomfort where the electrodes were placed, only 5% of people who answered a complete patient satisfaction survey said they had any problems with the device.Based on what we know, the temperature probably won't get too high, which is good news. Every one of the dozen migraine sufferers I know who have tried it said it was either tolerably uncomfortable or too strong to use. It's possible that the level of allodynia in a person has something to do with this, and I can see how the Cefaly could be unpleasant for people who are very sensitive to touch.
Does Cefaly work for migraines?Cefaly was once only used as a preventive measure, but the FDA gave it the green light to be used as a treatment. Many tests have shown that this drug is good for preventing and treating migraines.Those who got the stimulation were 59% more likely to say that their pain went away, while those in the control group were only 30% more likely to say that their pain went away. In 2018, researchers looked at how well Cefaly3 worked and found that regular use changes the electrical pulses of the trigeminal nerve, making migraine headaches less severe and less common.Cefaly is an alternative for people who have tried other medicines for migraines but couldn't use them because they had too many side effects. With this method, people who get migraines now have a treatment option that doesn't involve invasive procedures. Studies have shown that regular use may help reduce the severity of migraine symptoms, but more research is needed to confirm that it is both safe and effective over time.How much it Cost:Cefaly is a drug that can only be bought with a prescription from a doctor or pharmacist. Inquire early on with your health insurance provider about potential coverage of the price of the device and any additional reusable electrodes you may need. Depending on how the insurance works, you may have to buy the equipment before getting reimbursed.The average out-of-pocket Cost for the device is $299, and you can buy an extra set of three electrodes for an extra $25. Also, when the two AAA batteries are completely dead, you must replace them with new ones.Conclusion:Since migraine is such a complicated illness, Finding an effective therapy might be difficult for many individuals. Even if someone takes certain medicines and changes how they live, they could still get migraines. Cefaly has been shown to make migraine symptoms less severe immediately and over time. Use it every day to get the most out of it.Your doctor might suggest using this tool in addition to the other treatments already part of your plan. Please do not stop taking any medicines your doctor has given you unless they tell you to. Patients should take Cefaly precisely as their doctors tell them to, and they should let their doctors know immediately if they start to feel sick or if their symptoms worsen. Since migraines are rare, people don't usually use over-the-counter nerve-stimulating devices to treat them.